Arch install man pages
Arch install man pages


After using Arch for years, TIL there are `man` pages for ...


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After using Arch for years, TIL there are `man` pages for ...

2021年8月29日 — Probably best to use man's search feature to find config man pages. E.g. look at all these different config page names: $ man -s5 -k paru paru.


ARCH(1) User Commands ARCH(1). NAME top. arch - print machine hardware name (same as uname -m). SYNOPSIS top. arch [OPTION]... DESCRIPTION top.

Fixing 'Bash

2023年10月4日 — Install man-db package (to install man pages); Update mandb cache (for indexing the man pages for all commands). Let's see it in a bit more ...

How can I make sure that man has pages installed?

2021年8月6日 — 1 Answer 1 ... Once you install the packages man-db and man-pages you need to run the mandb command to generate the search database for manpage ...


Package information: Package name: extra/man-pages-zh_tw; Version:; Upstream: ...

man page

2024年5月26日 — First, install man2html from the official repositories. Now, convert ... Arch manual pages—contains man pages from Arch Linux packages. Used ...

man syscalls is missing in arch linux

2023年7月23日 — The syscalls man page is provided by the Arch Linux package man-pages . Install it with pacman -S man-pages .

man 手册

Arch manual pages—contains man pages from Arch Linux packages. Used for man page links from the wiki. You can also use the !archman DuckDuckGo bang to ...

man 手册

Arch manual pages—contains man pages from Arch Linux packages. Used for man page links from the wiki. You can also use the !archman DuckDuckGo bang to ...

manpages-dev in arch?

2020年11月12日 — I found it the pages came from manpages-dev, however it seems that there's no such package in arch. Is there any way to get man pages for c ...


2021年8月29日—Probablybesttouseman'ssearchfeaturetofindconfigmanpages.E.g.lookatallthesedifferentconfigpagenames:$man-s5-kparuparu.,ARCH(1)UserCommandsARCH(1).NAMEtop.arch-printmachinehardwarename(sameasuname-m).SYNOPSIStop.arch[OPTION]...DESCRIPTIONtop.,2023年10月4日—Installman-dbpackage(toinstallmanpages);Updatemandbcache(forindexingthemanpagesforallcommands).Let'sseeitinabitmore ...,2021年8...

讓Man Page充滿色彩

讓Man Page充滿色彩
